Manor Asylum Hospital

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6282-14-1 Folio 48

Record Photo

Name: William BREBNER,

Aged: 28,

Reg. No. 48,

Admitted: August 16, 1899.

Copy of Statement of Particulars

Reception Order signed by: John Etherington, Dated: November 24, 1896

Sex and Age: m 25

Civil State: Single

Occupation: Labourer

Religion: Ch. of Eng.

First Attack: No

Age on first attack: 22

When and where previously under treatment: Claybury Asylum (Crossed out)

Duration of present attack: several months

Supposed cause: Unknown

Epileptic: No

Suicidal: No

Dangerous to others and how: Yes

Any near relative afflicted with Insanity: No

Union chargeable to: Camberwell

Previous Place of Abode: 30 Albany Rd., Camberwell

Name and Address of Person to whom Notice of Death to be sent: Mrs Heath (Sister), 86 Neate St., Camberwell

Names and Addresses of one or more relatives of the Patient: Mrs Brebner (Mother), 30B Camden Grove, Peckham

Medical Certificate

Medical Certificate Signed by: Adolphus

Facts indicating insanity observed by myself at the time of examination viz.:

He is full of delusions as to being persecuted, prevented from working, kidnapped, brought here for the purpose of blackmail as he says is done constantly with young men in the shoe trade in all London workhouses.

Facts communicated by others viz.:

Transferred from: Claybury

Condition on Admission

Mental State:-

As far as possible under such Headings as:
Attention, Comprehension and Re-action, Cognition of self and surroundings, including mistakes of identity and appreciation of time and place, States of Stupor and Catalepsy, Memory for recent and remote events, Association and flow of ideas, Coherence, Reasoning power, Hallucinations, Illusions, Delusions, Exaltation, Fantasies of dress, Excitement, Depression, Impulses—General, Suicidal, Homicidal, Erotic, Destructive, Obsessions, Resistiveness or Hostility, Restlessness, Self-employment, Attention to personal needs, Religiosity, Sense of propriety, Lewdness of conversation and conduct, Regard for relatives.

He is rambling, irrational & delusional. Says people use needles to scrape & perforate his eyes & thights at night. They turned him into a physical battery. He used to have gas breaking through the wac of his ears. Admits self abuse.